  • "Pleaseth your lordship to be advertised..."
    1. I. Nouns
      1. A.Gender
      2. B.Number
        1. [*Case]
        2. [*stems]
      3. C. Determination(definiteness/articles)
        1. i.Use of Articles
          1. [*strong/weak declension]
      4. E.Formation of Nouns
        1. [*irregular nouns:indeclinable, defective, heteroclites, heterogeneous]
    2. II.Modifiers
      1. A.Adjectives
      2. i.gender
      3. ii.plural
      4. iii. definte article
      5. [*strong/weak declension of adjectives]
      6. [*types:qualitive, relative(metaphorical),]
      7. [*syntactic function]
      8. iv.degrees of comparison [*qualitative adjectives]
      9. [*form]
      10. [*inflection]
      11. [*suppletive]
      12. [*relative adjectives: no comparative degree, increased adverbially]
      13. v.formation of adjectives
      1. B.Adverbs
      2. i.classification
      3. ii.derivation
      4. iii.degrees of comparison
      5. iv.syntactic function.
      6. [*types: 1.temporal (deictic,initial/final points of action,parts of day,
      7. durativity/interativity), 2.locative, 3.of manner, 4.of measure, 5.intensity(emphasis),6.cause ]
      1. C.Numerals
      2. i.cardinal numerals
      3. ii.ordinal numerals
      4. [*other numerical expressions:trio, onefold,half, one-and-a-half, another, twice, etc]
      5. [*mathematical expressions: fractions, distributive, counting, proportional, multiplicative]
      6. [*negation]
      7. III. Pronouns
      8. A.Personal pronouns
      9. B.Posessive Pronouns
      10. C.Reflexive Pronouns
      11. D.Demonstrative Pronouns
      12. E.Interrogative Pronouns
      13. F.Relative Pronouns
      14. G.Indefinite Pronouns
      15. H.Negative Pronouns
      16. I.Generalising Pronouns
      17. [*emphatic pronouns]
      18. [*reciprocal pronouns: each other, one another]
      19. [*determinative/quantifier:all/each]
      20. IV.Verbs
      21. A.Classification of Verbs
      22. i.transitive/intransitive
      23. ii.personal/impersonal
      24. iii.reflexive/non-reflexive
      25. iv.simple/compound
      26. [*strong/weak verbs]
      27. B.Grammatical Categories
      28. i.person and number
      29. ii.aspect
      30. iii.tense
      31. a.present
      32. b.imperfect past
      33. c.aorist past
      34. d.perfect
      35. e.past perfect
      36. f.future
      37. g.future in past tense
      38. h.future perfect
      39. i. future perfect in past tense
      40. iv.voice
      41. a.passive voice
      42. voice
      43. v.mood
      44. a.indicative
      45. b.imperative
      46. c.conditional
      47. d.renarrated
      48. [*subjunctive]
      49. [*obligative]
      50. [*optative]
      51. [*strong/weak conjugations; irregular verbs]
      52. C.non-finite verb forms
      53. i.participles
      54. present participle
      55. imperfect past participle
      56. aorist past participle
      57. d. passive past participle
      58. ii.verbal adverbs
      59. iii.verbal nouns
      60. iv.infinitive
      61. D.Verb Formation
      62. i.derivation of verbs of perfective aspect
      63. ii.derivation of imperfective verbs
      64. iii.derivation of verbs of other categories
      65. [*verb forming suffixes, prefixes]
      66. V.Relationships
      67. A.Prepositions
      68. [*case of object determined by leading preposition]
      69. [*types:location,time,accompaniment,exception,cause,reference,purpose,manner,measure,support, opposition]
      70. B.Conjunctions

      71. [*subordinating]
      72. [*temporal,comparative,conditional,concessional,final(purposeful),consecutive(consequence),causal,interrogative]
      73. [*coordinating]
      74. [*copulative(union),disjunctive(seperated),adversative(opposition,illative(inference),causal]

      75. VI. Stress Assignment

      76. [*simplex words]
      77. [*compound words -- secondary stress]
      78. [*prefixes/suffixes]
      79. [*clitics, proclitic, enclitic:unstressed word attatched to a host]
      80. [*minimal pairs]
      81. [*distinctiveness]
      82. [*stress shifting--inflection] [saussure's law
      83. [*vowel quantity/length]
      84. [*morphemic structure conditions stress]

      85. VII.Syntax/Word Order

      86. [*clauses]
      87. [*sentence types]
      88. [*statements]
      89. [*commands]
      90. [*wishes]
      91. [*questions]
      92. [*simple sentence:normal "unmarked" word order]
      93. [*stylistic violations of unmarked word order]
      94. [*word order]
      95. [*verb position]
      96. [*postpositive, prepositive]
      97. [*subject]
      98. ["null subject":contrast,emphatic, disambiguation]
      99. [*object]
      100. [*predicate]
      101. [*noun phrase/verb phrase]
      102. [*compound sentences: coordinating/subordinating conjunctions]
      103. [*relative clause]
      104. [*adverbial clause]
      105. [*complement clause]
      106. [*infinitives]
      107. [*participles]
      108. [*phrases]
      109. [*attributive adjectives]
      110. [*predicative adjectives]
      111. [*comparative/superlative phrases]