Grammar Outline
"Pleaseth your lordship to be advertised..."

Morphology:Word Classes

  1. Nouns: names a person, place or thing (incl. physical objects, untouchable abstractions and animals). answers who or what. suffixes -ness, -ment, -tion, -sion, -ion, modified by adjectives or determiners (articles, demonstratives)
    1. noun class
      1. common nouns
      2. proper nouns
      3. collective nouns
    2. properties of noun (inflection/declension)
      1. gender: grammatical vs. natural<
        1. feminine
        2. masculine
        3. neuter
        4. indicators of gender
        1. meaning
        2. prefixes (germanic)
        3. suffixes (foreign, romance)
      2. ii.person
        1. first person
        2. second person
        3. third person
      3. iii.number
        1. a.singular
        2. b.plural
        3. c.non-countable nouns
        1. a.nominative
        2. b.posessive (genitive)
        3. c. objective (accusative/dative)
    3. Pronouns


  1. Adjectives
  2. Adverbs
  3. Numerals
  4. Articles


Verbs:action or state of being
  1. Prepositions
  2. Conjunctions


Syntax: Syntax
