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Writing Prompt Generators


What fun!

Try our new random writing prompt generators (updated 27 May 2006 with new words). The first is inspired by Glen's word list technique (see our For Teachers page).

Don't miss our Writing Prompts page as well.


Generator 1: Adjective, Noun, Verb (or phrase)

Write a story about... 


that went

Generator 2: Three objects

Click the button to get the names of three objects chosen at random. Write a story in which these three objects appear and are important.

 Generator 3: Random plot generator

Click the buttons to get six important elements for your plot.

The Protagonist

The main character of your story.

The Antagonist

The person or thing that gets between the main character and his or her goal.

The setting

Where the protagonist starts out -- your story can stay here or move to other places.


What does your main character want?

An important event

This event will be a turning point in your story.

An important object

This object is very important to your main character and plays a crucial role in the story.

Adapted from
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If you need more writing prompts, or if you teach writing, try these books:

Story Sparkers

Story Sparkers
Marcia Thornton
Writer's Digest Books, 2000

350 Writing Prompts

350 Fabulous Writing Prompts
Jaqueline Sweeney
Scholastic, 1999

Incredible quotations

Incredible Quotations

Jaqueline Sweeney
Scholastic, 1999

101 picture prompts

101 Picture Prompts to Spark Super Writing
Karen Kellaher
Scholastic, 1999

Glen and Karen Bledsoe --> articles --> The Writing Process --> Writing Prompt Generators

Articles copyright 2006 by Glen and Karen Bledsoe, childrens' book authors. See our Terms of Use before copying, posting, or reprinting any material from this site.